Whether you're brand new to improv or a seasoned improviser new to town we would love to meet you! Best way to introduce yourself is come to our weekly show, "The Dead Crow Improv Show"
8pm Wednesdays at the Dead Crow Comedy Room.

Playing Around
New to improv?
Want to get to know funny people and meet new friends? Then this is the place for you!
We offer a FREE improv jam every Wednesday after our weekly shows where you can get up on stage and jam with new and seasoned improvisers. This is a great way to try out improv and see if it’s right for you. Come as much as you like and test the waters. We will see you there!
Two chances to watch us improv:
1. The Dead Crow Improv Show: adult show is every Wednesday at 8pm at Dead Crow
2. Ready Set Go!: family friendly show is the 4th Saturday of every month at 2pm at Dead Crow

Classes for Fun
We offer levels 1 - 4 of improv classes!
You don’t have to want to perform to take these classes. This is a great way to meet people, get out of your comfort zone, tackle stage fright and make you more comfortable in work and social settings. Taking classes without any goal of being on stage long term is totally fine by us. Lets have fun.

Track One:
Learning Shortform
Want to dig into the nuts and bolts of improv comedy? Then taking a class is imperative. You gotta learn how to make that comedy soup before you do it.
Classes range from levels 1 to 4 and this is where you'll learn all the goodies. Our complete curriculum covers shortform improv and longform. Once you’ve completed and passed levels 1 & 2 you are eligible to be invited as a cast member in "Ready Set Go!", our monthly family friendly shortform show. You may also be invited to take part in the shortform segment of the "Dead Crow Improv Show" on Wednesday Nights.

Track Two:
Learning Longform
Now you’ve got that comedy bug & you can’t quit? Let's go!
Levels 3 and 4 focus on learning longform improv which takes time and patience but is super fun. Once you’ve taken all 4 levels and passed them then you'll be eligible to attend our annual Jamboree where you could be placed on a House Team. A House Team is a longform improv team that performs at the "Dead Crow Improv Show". Each house team practices with an improv coach to continue growing their improv muscles.

Seasoned Improviser?
Have you studied at another improv theater?
Maybe The Second City, The Pitt, The Groundlings Etc…
Then please drop us a line & introduce yourself. We’d love to hear about your experience. The best way for us to assess your ability is to have you drop into one of the levels of classes. We will determine which level is best for you and then get you improvising in class so we can figure out how to best show off your funny bone!

Back Again?
Studied or played with DareDevil before and want to get back on stage?
Life gets in the way and we get that sometimes improv takes a backseat to real life. We here at DareDevil always have an OPEN DOOR POLICY meaning that you are always welcome back with us. Getting back on stage might require shaking the rust off and brushing up on your improv skills so email us and we will get you back into class so that you’re back in peak improv condition before getting back in front of an audience. We have our annual Jamboree each year where we evaluate players for a chance to get on a House Team.